Norske Kunsthåndverkere 40 år!
I would like to share with you with a great event from last weekend 4 - 6.09.2015.
I had an opportunity to attend, as a young member of (Norske Kunsthåndverkere) Norwegian Arts&Crafts Association, an NK 40th anniversary of the organization. The event was perfectly prepared and organized in every detail, the participants were satisfied about lectures and humorous theme that reigned at the seminar - "Humor in Crafts" :) The first lecture was held in Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum / Trondheim on humor in art and crafts. After opening of the exhibition of Felik Van der Leest "Into the Zoo". - Really recommended!!!
Second day we spend in Trøndelag Senter av Samtidskunst with ceramic workshops by Toril Redalen and Siri Skjerve "Finding Clay". The last day we drove to Klæbu on a great exhibition with a long tradition
"SELBUVOTTER, EN SIDE AV Saken" in Galleri N ° 1 prepared by Anne Bårdsgård and happening of Ingun Myrstad "HUMAN KNITTING MACHINE". Also, we had a unique opportunity to visit 4 art studios of 4 outstanding artists living and working in Klæbu: - Jorun Kraft Mo - Krisn Opem - Elisabeth Engen - Anne Bårdsgård
Great women!! Very interesting workshops which were created on the basis of passion, hard work and love for art and crafts! Big Congratulations Girls !!!!! It was a huge pleasure to spend this weekend with You!!!